12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (2024)

Here’s your ultimate guide to the perfect 100th day of school old lady costume that your little one will be adorable in!

12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (1)

Hi friends,

It’s almost the 100th day – hooray!

This day is a such a cool milestone and there are tons of fun ways to celebrate the 100th day of school.

Some popular ways are to create a poster board with 100 items on it, create a 100th day of school shirt or to dress up as a 100 year old!

If your little one has decided to dress up as a 100 year old, you’re in the right spot!

This post is all about everything you need to create the perfect 100th day of school old lady costume!

FREE 100th Day of School Printable

12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (2)

Grab our free printable with two pennants you can’t tape to pencils, a small wooden dowel or a popsicle stick for a cute photo prop for them to hold!

Add the notecard to their lunch, homework folder or backpack as a sweet reminder of how proud you are!

100th Day of School Old Lady Outfit Ideas

First, let’s start with the outfit!

Chances are you already have something in your little ones closet that will totally work for this! Here are some great ideas to get you started..

1. Sweater

Any knit sweater make a quick and easy old lady top! Neutral colors or even florals are a great idea but really any sweater will do.

2. Night gown

If you have a shorter night gown of your own it might fit as a long one for your kid! My daughter has a Christmas night gown that would totally work!

3. Shawl

Make any outfit instantly look like an old lady outfit with a shaw draped over their shoulders!

4. Cardigan

A cardigan is another easy option you most likely already have in your little ones closet! As we continue we’ll go over more ways to dress it up and make it more old lady-like.

5. Robe

Go for a cozy 100 year old with a robe! Since the 100th day of school normally lands in January to February, this is perfect for the cooler weather!

12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (3)

100th Day of School Old Lady Hair Ideas

Okay, perfect!

Now you’re dressed for the part! But an old lady costume is not complete without a 100 year old hairstyle.

1. Hair Rollers

What’s a more classic old lady hairstyle than hair rollers? If you don’t already own these, no worries you can find cheap hair rollers on amazon, Walmart and even the dollar tree if you’re lucky!

2. Wig

12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (4)

12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (5)Old Lady Wig

Unless you’ve done this before, chances are you don’t have an old lady wig laying around the house lol but it is an easy way to get the perfect hairstyle!

I found this one on amazon with pretty good reviews and even comes with glasses and a necklace!

3. Bun

Buns are a totally easy hairstyle option that will complete any 100 year old lady costume! Do a low bun or a high sock bun, whatever is easiest for you. You can even use temporary gray dye to really make the look!

4. Scarf

Not good at hairstyles? No worries!

Drape a hair scarf and tie it around the neck for a simple and easy old lady look!

5. Temporary Hair Color

Lastly, for the girls who don’t like their hair messed with in mornings, you can simply spray their hair gray and leave it down!

12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (7)

100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Accessories

Now the fun part, let’s add an accessory or two!

Any of these accessories will really tie the entire old lady outfit together!

1. Cane

Does grandma have an extra cane she’ll let you borrow? If not, check good will, there’s normally tons of them for super cheap!

2. Glasses

Any glasses will do! You can even add a chain so they can wear them around the neck during the day!

3. Jewelry

A classic old lady is pearls everything – necklaces, earrings and bracelets.

If you don’t have any pearls, any chunky jewelry will do too!

4. Life alert

This is pretty funny! Make a pretend Life Alert necklace to wear around your neck 😂

5. Walker

A walker is another great idea! If you don’t have one of these, you can find plenty of tutorials online about making fake ones with PVC pipes!

12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (8)

Old Lady Costume Makeup

You can’t look 100 years old without some wrinkles.. or a lot of wrinkles!

Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a makeup artist to create an old lady look! This is super easy!

Grab a deep brown eyeliner pencil or you can even use a small eyeshadow brush with brown eyeshadow. You’ll want draw lines in the following areas to create a wrinkled look.

  • Corner of eyes
  • Forehead
  • Frown lines
  • Between the eyebrows

Make sure you blend them so they look less drawn on and more realistic!

You can also add some red lipstick and blue eyeshadow for the final touches.

Here’s a fun tutorial on YouTube if you’re more of a visual learner!

Easy 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas

If you can’t find the perfect items laying around the house to piece together an old lady costume, Amazon has entire costume outfits you can order too!

Here are the two top rated old lady costumes available!

Both of these come with everything you need for a quick and easy old lady costume!


12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (9)

12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (10)Old Lady Costume Kit


12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (11)

12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (12)Girls Old Lady Costume

Save these costumes and reuse them for Halloween or just general role playing at home!

Our 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume

12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (13)
12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (14)

How cute are these two?!

Life was extra busy so totally threw this together last minute but they still came out super cute!

Goes to prove you don’t need to buy a whole lot (we Amazon Primed the gray hairspray listed earlier) to have fun, dress up and participate!

Outfit?Hair? Makeup? Accessories?

Check, check, check and quadruple check!

You look fantastic and are ready to rock the 100th day of school with the perfect old lady costume!

This post was all about 100th day of school old lady costume ideas!

Other posts you may like:

  • 27 Last Minute 100th Day of School Shirts That Are Still Totally Cute!
  • 15 Exciting Birthday Favors For School To Celebrate Your Kid’s Birthday!

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Outfit Ideas

The article suggests several outfit ideas for creating the perfect 100th day of school old lady costume. Let's discuss each concept briefly:

1. Sweater: A knit sweater, preferably in neutral colors or florals, can make a quick and easy old lady top.

2. Night gown: If you have a shorter night gown, it can be repurposed as a long gown for your child's costume.

3. Shawl: Draping a shawl over the shoulders can instantly transform any outfit into an old lady costume.

4. Cardigan: A cardigan is another versatile option that can be dressed up to achieve an old lady look.

5. Robe: Opting for a cozy robe is perfect for the cooler weather during the 100th day of school celebration.

Hair Ideas

The article provides suggestions for creating a 100-year-old hairstyle to complete the old lady costume. Here are the concepts discussed:

1. Hair Rollers: Using hair rollers is a classic old lady hairstyle. They can be easily found online or in stores.

2. Wig: An old lady wig is a simple way to achieve the desired hairstyle. You can find wigs with accessories like glasses and necklaces.

3. Bun: Creating a low bun or a high sock bun can be an easy hairstyle option. Temporary gray dye can be used to enhance the look.

4. Scarf: If you're not skilled with hairstyles, draping a hair scarf and tying it around the neck can create a simple and easy old lady look.

5. Temporary Hair Color: For those who prefer to keep their hair untouched, using temporary gray hair spray can be a great option.

Costume Accessories

The article suggests adding accessories to complete the old lady costume. Let's explore the concepts mentioned:

1. Cane: Borrowing a cane from grandma or checking thrift stores can provide an extra touch of authenticity.

2. Glasses: Any glasses can work, and adding a chain allows for wearing them around the neck.

3. Jewelry: Pearls are a classic choice for an old lady costume, but any chunky jewelry can also work well.

4. Life Alert: A fun and humorous addition to the costume can be a pretend Life Alert necklace.

5. Walker: Creating a fake walker using PVC pipes, or finding one online, can add an extra prop to the costume.


The article provides tips for creating an old lady look using makeup. Here's a summary:

To create the appearance of wrinkles, you can use a deep brown eyeliner pencil or a small eyeshadow brush with brown eyeshadow. Draw lines in the corner of the eyes, forehead, frown lines, and between the eyebrows. Blend the lines to make them look more realistic. Additionally, adding red lipstick and blue eyeshadow can further enhance the old lady look.

Easy Costume Ideas

If you're unable to find suitable items at home, the article suggests purchasing ready-made old lady costumes from Amazon. Two highly rated options are mentioned:

1. Old Lady Costume Kit 2. Girls Old Lady Costume

These costumes come with everything you need for a quick and easy old lady costume. They can be saved and reused for Halloween or other dress-up occasions.

I hope this breakdown of the concepts used in the article helps you understand the ideas presented. If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything else, feel free to ask!

12+ Adorable 100th Day of School Old Lady Costume Ideas To Recreate! - School Run Messy Bun (2024)
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