Easy 100th Day of School Ideas and Activities—Plus Free Printables (2024)

Can you believe the 100th day of the school year is just around the corner? Between the buzz of autumn and winter holidays, alongside the many things we did to kick off the school year, it feels like those early days of the school year just happened. Approaching the 100 days of school milestone is exciting, especially for kindergarteners and elementary-aged kiddos. We all know the extent to which our little scholars have put their hearts and budding minds into the many projects, activities, and social opportunities that have enriched their school days so far.

Easy 100th Day of School Ideas and Activities—Plus Free Printables (1)


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To celebrate their dedicated efforts and encourage them to appreciate their 100th day of school, commemorative activities are in order. So, we’ve pulled together a collection of easy 100 days of school ideas for teachers and parents that will get children’s imaginations bubbling. From colorful creations to playful dress-up ideas and special printables, let’s invite our little ones to celebrate their learning progress to date!

100 Days of School Ideas

In this article

1100 Days of School Activities

2100 Days of School Dress-Up Ideas

3100 Days of School Printables and Worksheets

100 Days of School Activities

1. What Does 100 Look Like?

Present kids with the chance to explore the many ways to manifest 100. What items can they imagine they can collect 100 of? If asked, they probably have quite an abundance of unusual and creative ideas for doing so!

2. 100 Days of School Necklace

A charming counting activity that walks little learners through counting up to 100 by 10s, with a necklace souvenir to show for the accomplishment. You can find this teacher’s resource here to print out the counting mat and associated necklace tags.

3. When I’m 100…

Give littles a glimpse of their aged selves by surprising them with a printed photo that has been transformed using the AgingBooth app. Then, their photos can be glued to a card that asks them to predict what they think they’ll be like at 100 years old. The earnest responses are priceless!

4. 100 Candy Counts

Make a colorful and sugary splash with candy counting boards that have spaces, grouped in 10s, for different types of sweet treats. Fill candy dishes with your student’s favorite candies, or alternatively, if you’re trying to be sugar or food-free, try using colorful items that can be found in bulk at craft stores, like buttons, gems, beads, etc.

5. 100 Days Flag

For a group project that invites many helping hands, create a radiant class flag that uses 100 different items, from art supplies to foodstuffs to fabric pieces and beyond!

6. 100 Gumballs for 100 Days

With a paper plate, some construction paper, and colorful dot stickers, you can create an easy gumball machine that captures a nice visual of 100 days. To make it extra hands-on and tactile, you can even set your kids up with some paints for fingerprint gumballs instead!

7. 100 Punches for the 100th Day

Give motor skills a burst and fidgeters an exciting mission by creating printouts that kids can use mini paper punch shapes to reach 100 with. Check out Amazon or your local craft store for plenty of different shapes and icons to go around.

8. 100 Days Sandwich Surprise

While this isn’t exactly an activity for kids, it’s something you can do for your kid(s) that we thought was too cute not to include! Part lunch inspiration, part celebratory treat, try packing your little one a special 100-shaped sandwich to surprise them on their 100th school day.

100 Days of School Dress-Up Ideas

9. Easy 100 Days of School Shirt Ideas

Rock a handcrafted T-shirt project with one of this crafter’s many celebratory decorating ideas. There are over 20 adorable possibilities to choose from, with punny sayings and paired graphics like, “I’ve bugged my teacher for 100 days,” “Having a ball for 100 days,” “100 days sprinkled with fun,” and more.

Easy 100th Day of School Ideas and Activities—Plus Free Printables (2)

10. 100-Year-Old Dress-Up Day

It almost doesn’t seem to matter what age you are, it’s wild to imagine what you’d look like at 100 years old, regardless! Still, it’s especially adorable to encourage little ones to envision what they think their 100-year-old self would look like. The 100th day of school is the perfect day to try the age on for size.

100 Days of School Printables and Worksheets

Reaching the 100th day of school is certainly a brand of royalty, and these cute crowns will anoint the little kings and queens who are celebrating this learning milestone. This crafter also helpfully includes multiple cute templates to choose from.

11. Free 100 Days of School Printable Coloring Page

12. Free 100 Days of School Gumball Machine Printable

13. Free 100 Days of School Printable Self-Portrait Coloring Page

14. 100 Days of School Headband Crowns

Easy 100th Day of School Ideas and Activities—Plus Free Printables (6)

15. 100 Days of School Coloring Pages + Printables

A couple of joyful coloring pages are always a nice touch to mark a special occasion, and we love the uplifting graphics this crafter pulled together in these.

Easy 100th Day of School Ideas and Activities—Plus Free Printables (7)

16. 100th Day of School Glasses

A fun and lively cutout so that students can show off their bright eyes after 100 days of learning. To add some glam to the glasses and the occasion, you can have them personalize the printout with a coloring session, stickers, and various glue-ons as well.

Easy 100th Day of School Ideas and Activities—Plus Free Printables (8)

17. 100th Day of School Kindness Activities

One way to commemorate the joy and gratitude of learning for 100 days is helping kids spread kindness. These touching and interactive printouts prompt them to try spreading 100 acts of kindness for the 100th day of school.

Easy 100th Day of School Ideas and Activities—Plus Free Printables (9)

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Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I can provide information on various topics, including public speaking. Public speaking is the act of delivering a speech or presentation to an audience. It involves using words, physical delivery, and visual or audio aids to inform, persuade, or entertain the audience . Public speaking skills are important in various contexts, such as educational settings, professional environments, and social situations.

Introduction to Public Speaking

Public speaking involves several key elements, including:

  1. Attention Getter: An attention getter is a technique used to capture the audience's interest and draw them into the speech. It can be a startling fact, a quote, a story, or a demonstration.
  2. Introduction of the Topic: The speaker introduces the topic of the speech, providing background information and context to help the audience understand the subject matter .
  3. Speaker Credibility: The speaker establishes their credibility by sharing relevant qualifications, experiences, or expertise that make them qualified to speak on the topic.
  4. Forecasting of Main Points: The speaker outlines the main points or arguments that will be covered in the speech, giving the audience a preview of what to expect .

Organizing a Speech

Organizing a speech is crucial for clarity and effectiveness. A well-organized speech helps the audience understand the content and view the speaker as reliable and credible Here are some key aspects of organizing a speech:

  1. Introduction: The introduction sets the stage for the speech, grabs the audience's attention, and provides an overview of the topic and main points .
  2. Body: The body of the speech contains the main content, arguments, evidence, and supporting details. It is organized logically, with each main point or argument presented in a clear and coherent manner.
  3. Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the main points, reinforces the key message, and leaves a lasting impression on the audience. It may also include a call to action or a memorable closing statement .

Methods of Speech Delivery

Speech delivery refers to the way a speaker presents their speech to the audience. There are several methods of speech delivery, including:

  1. Impromptu: Speaking off the cuff without prior preparation, relying on spontaneous thoughts and ideas .
  2. Manuscript: Reading a prepared speech word-for-word from a written script or teleprompter.
  3. Memorized: Delivering a speech from memory, without referring to any notes or prompts.
  4. Extemporaneous: Delivering a speech using a prepared outline or key points, allowing for flexibility and spontaneity in the delivery.

Each method of delivery has its advantages and considerations, and speakers may choose the method that best suits their speaking style and the nature of the speech.

Becoming an Expert in Public Speaking

Becoming an expert in public speaking requires dedicated practice and coaching. While some people may have a natural inclination for public speaking, true expertise is mainly the result of years of intense practice and pushing oneself beyond their abilities and comfort level Regular practice, seeking feedback, and continuous improvement are key to developing effective public speaking skills.

I hope this information helps you understand the concepts related to public speaking. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Easy 100th Day of School Ideas and Activities—Plus Free Printables (2024)
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