History of Chalk Art / Street Painting (2024)

The following is a collection of terminology often used by Chalk Artists / Street Painters at festivals.
These definitions are formed out of the most common phrases and were created by a variety of artists over the years
Some willabbreviate more elaborate meanings while others were created to be more tongue and cheek.
It's our intent to document these terms and provide a window into the world of chalk art artists.
Please keep in mind some are intended purelyfor humor and to not take too seriously.

Alice “White” To describe the type of white chalk they use; which are handmade by chalk artist Alice Scott Crittende. “I use Alice white.”
Anamorphic - A distorted perspective requiring the viewer to use a special device eg; Cell Phone, IPad, Camera
Art-Cation - A vacation where the intent is to create art.
Art Squats - Scrutinizing your work so often it tones your chalky cheeks enough to make Michelangelo's David blush.

Butter Chalk - Also known as Eternity chalks. Because they are smooth and in the shape of butter sticks. See also Eternity

CFCAA - Abbreviation for “Central Florida Chalk Artists Association” , Changed name to FCAA “ Florida Chalk Artists Association.” in 2008
Camper(s) - A chalk artist(s) who brings way to much to a festival. Appears to be camping on the square/site with camping chairs, coolers and tents. Often blocking the view of the artwork from guests. ( this is poor chalk artists etiquette btw. )
Chalk Art - The term of using chalk to create an artistic image typically on an outdoor surface such as asphalt, concrete, stone, brick etc. Can be used as a term for indoor chalk artists for doing menus and signs.
Chalk-nado - When a chalk artist does several installations along a path, leaving a trail of colorful art to follow.
Chalkinator - A chalk artist who possess un-natural human robotic/cyborg qualities, Example: Not taking any breaks during a festival.
Chalk Squats - ( also known as #ArtSquats ) To crouch or sit with one's knees bent and one's heels close to or touching the back of one's thighs in order to chalk.
Chalk Tan - The unique chalky hue that appears on your skin after chalking in the sun all day.
Chalk Swap - Area found in the artist's tent of an event where artists can swap a stick of chalk for another.

DustBuster’s - Chalk Artists who use electric hand held vacuums to suck excess chalk/pigment when the’ve applied too much to the pavement.

Eternity - To describe the type of chalk they use. Eternity chalks. “I use Eternity’s” see also butter chalk

FCAA - Abbreviation for “Florida Chalk Artists Association.”
Forced Perspective - A technique which employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is.
FreeHand - Drawing without the use of a grid or stencil.

Gradient - A smooth transition from one color hue to another.
Gridding - Breaking up the image into a framework of squares in order to accurately recreate the image while maintaining accurate proportions.
Grinding - Term used when crushing pastel pigment into the surface.
Gran Mastro -Grand Master chalk artist.

Herd - Often refers to a group of artists (10 or more) who appear in the same location “migrating together”. “Once we set out the pizza the herd will be here soon.”

Impressionistic - Style of art characterised by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities.
ISPS - Abbreviation for “International Street Painting Society. “

Joeling - Taking a stroll around the festival. The act of talking more than you chalk, while magically still creating beautiful art. Counterpart to Leighing Around.
Joeleighing - When “Joeling” and “Leighing around” are combined.

Leighing Around - Similar to Joeling, Leighing around is the term used to describe while sitting or standing while also creating beautiful art.

Madonnari - The first Street Painters / Chalk Artists created images of the Madonna and religious icons in Italy. They were called the Madonnari. In 1900’s England used “Street Screevers” as a term to reference people creating artwork outside with pastel on street pavers. Today the Italian “Madonnari” and “Street Screevers” has taken on new names to fit current terminology the public can identify with, depending on region they can be called either Street Painters / Chalk Artists.
Maestro - Part of the FCAA certification program, referring to a “Master” level artist. A list of qualifications is required in order to be registered.
Mount Vision - To describe the type of chalk they use. Mount VIsion Pastels.
Myst: The term “Myst” means to spray chalk art with a water bottle. This helps keep the dust down on dry windy days. An alternative to hairspray.

Nub: Chalk or pastel stick that has been mostly used but not gone. What’s left is called the nub(s).

Pads - Chalk artists often use Knee Pads commonly used in tile work industry or a garden pads to protect legs from the pavement. Phrase often used as “You can borrow my Pad.” ( it doesn't mean to borrow a ipad” )
Pigment - a substance that is mixed with a liquid to impart color. Chalk created with a higher pigment content often have deeper coloring.
Pouncing -Term used when a artist pre-plans their image by bringing a template/stencil and “pounces” the image onto the surface. Often used to save time.

Qualificato - Part of the FCAA certification program, referring to an “Intermediate” level artist. A list of a qualifications is required in order to be registered.

Rain is a 4 letter word - A phrase often used when someone says “I hope it does not rain.” It plays with the notion that rain is a curse word and it should not be said.
Rainbow boogers - What’s on your tissues at the end of a good chalkin’ day. Warning: DO NOT taste this rainbow.

Semplice - Part of the FCAA certification program, referring to a “Beginner” level artist. A list of a qualifications is required in order to be registered.
Site - Entire location which a chalk festival is being held. “I’m on site” or “I’ll be on site soon”
Square - Term used by chalk artists which refers to the location they are designated to chalk in. Doesn't actually mean it has to be a square. “My square is 8x12ft.” “I need to get back to my square.”
Spray - Some artists like to “spray” their work with aqua net hairspray. Sometimes helps to layer or protect the work from wind. “do you use spray?” “I don’t spray my work.”
Street Painting - Often used interchangeably with Chalk Art, term of using chalk or tempera paint to create an artistic image typically on an outdoor surface such as asphalt, concrete, stone, brick etc.
Street Stix - To describe the type of chalk they use. Street Stix.
Street Yoga - Similar to normal yoga, only it is specifically geared toward stretching out specific body parts in preparation for work.

Tarp - A plastic covering often used to protect a surface from rain.
Tempera Paint - Liquid chalk which is washable and can be applied by roller or brush. Often used as a base coating for chalk images.
Tub funk - The reminiscence of chalk and water that collects at the bottom of the tub after a shower or bath.

Vinyl - Vinyl logo or strip placed below your square ( art piece ) that displays information of you and/or your sponsor. These should always be visible during hours of the festival.

Water - Chalk artists most valuable supply item, don’t leave home without it. aka: Aqua or H20
Wipes - Abbreviation for “baby wipes”

History of Chalk Art / Street Painting (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.