How To Get Grammarly Premium Free As A Student | (2024)


Welcome, students! Are you looking to take your writing skills to the next level? Look no further than Grammarly Premium. As a student, you understand the importance of clear and error-free writing in your assignments, essays, and research papers. Grammarly Premium is a powerful writing assistant that offers advanced grammar, spelling, and punctuation checks, along with plagiarism detection and expert writing suggestions.

Writing effectively is a skill that can greatly benefit your academic and professional pursuits. Grammarly Premium not only helps you eliminate grammar and spelling errors, but it also helps you improve your writing style, clarity, and coherence. With its advanced features and intuitive interface, Grammarly Premium is a valuable tool for any student striving to enhance their writing capabilities.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of Grammarly Premium for students and discuss various methods to get Grammarly Premium for free as a student. Whether you’re an undergraduate, graduate, or even a high school student, these methods will help you access the full range of Grammarly Premium features without breaking the bank.

So, get ready to unleash the power of Grammarly Premium as we delve into the following sections. By the end of this article, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to obtain Grammarly Premium for free and how it can significantly improve your writing skills and academic performance.

Understanding Grammarly Premium

Before we dive into how to get Grammarly Premium for free as a student, let’s first understand what Grammarly Premium is all about. Grammarly Premium is an upgraded version of the free Grammarly tool, offering a wide range of enhanced features designed to take your writing to the next level.

With Grammarly Premium, you have access to advanced grammar, punctuation, and spelling checks that go beyond what the free version offers. It provides real-time suggestions and corrections as you write, helping you avoid common mistakes and enhancing the overall quality of your work.

One of the standout features of Grammarly Premium is its ability to detect and correct plagiarism. It scans your text against billions of web pages to ensure your work is original and properly cited. This is particularly valuable for students, as academic integrity is paramount.

Grammarly Premium also offers style, tone, and clarity suggestions to enhance the overall readability and impact of your writing. It provides insights into sentence structure, word choice, and overall flow, allowing you to create writing that is engaging and effective.

Another valuable feature of Grammarly Premium is the additional support it offers for specific writing genres. Whether you’re working on a research paper, essay, or even a creative piece, Grammarly Premium can provide tailored suggestions and insights to help you improve your writing in that specific context.

Furthermore, Grammarly Premium comes with a user-friendly interface and integrates seamlessly with popular writing platforms such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and more. This means you can access Grammarly’s powerful writing assistant wherever you write, making it incredibly convenient and accessible.

Now that we have a clear understanding of what Grammarly Premium offers, let’s explore the numerous benefits it holds for students. By utilizing these features, you can elevate your writing abilities and achieve academic success with greater ease.

Benefits of Grammarly Premium for Students

Grammarly Premium offers a multitude of benefits specifically tailored to students who want to improve their writing skills and excel in their academic endeavors. Let’s explore some of the key benefits:

  1. Enhanced Grammar and Spelling Correction: Grammarly Premium goes beyond basic grammar and spelling checks. It provides in-depth feedback, offering suggestions to improve sentence structure, eliminate repetitive words, and enhance the overall clarity and coherence of your writing.
  2. Plagiarism Detection: Academic integrity is of utmost importance to students. Grammarly Premium’s advanced plagiarism detector helps you ensure the originality of your work by comparing it against a vast database of web pages and academic resources. It offers peace of mind and helps you avoid unintentional instances of plagiarism.
  3. Suggestions for Style and Tone: Grammarly Premium provides suggestions to improve the style, tone, and overall impact of your writing. It helps you maintain consistency and ensures your writing aligns with the desired tone for a given audience or assignment.
  4. Faster Editing and Proofreading: With Grammarly Premium, you can save time and effort in the editing and proofreading process. It identifies errors, suggests corrections, and provides explanations, allowing you to make necessary changes swiftly and effectively.
  5. Support for Specific Writing Genres: Grammarly Premium offers tailored suggestions for different types of writing, such as research papers, essays, reports, and more. It helps you meet the specific requirements and conventions of each genre, enabling you to produce high-quality, well-structured content.
  6. Improved Writing Confidence: By using Grammarly Premium, you gain more confidence in your writing abilities. The real-time feedback and constructive suggestions empower you to make immediate improvements, ultimately enhancing your overall writing skills.
  7. Accessibility and Convenience: Grammarly Premium integrates seamlessly with various platforms, including web browsers, Microsoft Word, and Google Docs. This means you can access Grammarly’s writing assistance anywhere you write, allowing for convenient and uninterrupted use of its features.
  8. Learning Resources and Insights: Grammarly Premium provides detailed explanations for its suggestions, giving you the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and strengthen your understanding of grammar and writing rules. It serves as a valuable learning tool for students seeking to improve their writing skills.

With these incredible benefits, it’s clear that Grammarly Premium is a valuable asset for students who strive to enhance their writing abilities and achieve academic success. Now, let’s explore various methods through which you can obtain Grammarly Premium for free as a student.

Methods to Get Grammarly Premium for Free as a Student

While Grammarly Premium is a paid service, there are several methods that can help you access it for free as a student. Let’s explore these methods:

  1. Grammarly Premium through University: Many universities and educational institutions have partnerships with Grammarly, which allows their students to access Grammarly Premium for free. Check if your university offers this benefit and follow the instructions provided to activate your free subscription.
  2. Grammarly Premium through Scholarships or Grants: Some scholarships or grants may include access to Grammarly Premium as part of their package. Research and apply for scholarships or grants that offer this benefit, as it can provide you with not only financial aid but also invaluable writing assistance.
  3. Grammarly Premium with Referral Program: Grammarly has a referral program that allows users to earn free Grammarly Premium subscription time by referring friends and colleagues. Share your referral link with classmates and friends, and once they sign up using your link, you’ll earn referral credits that can be redeemed for free access to Grammarly Premium.
  4. Grammarly Premium via Free Trial Period: Grammarly offers a free trial period for new users. Take advantage of this trial period to explore the features and benefits of Grammarly Premium without any cost. Keep in mind that the duration of the free trial may vary, so make sure to utilize it effectively before it expires.

These methods provide you with opportunities to access Grammarly Premium for free as a student. Make sure to explore all available options and choose the one that suits your specific situation.

Remember, improving your writing skills is an investment in yourself and your academic success. By utilizing Grammarly Premium, you can elevate the quality of your writing, boost your confidence, and stand out among your peers. So, don’t hesitate to explore these methods and unlock the full potential of Grammarly Premium.

Grammarly Premium through University

One of the most straightforward ways to access Grammarly Premium for free as a student is through your university. Many educational institutions have partnerships with Grammarly, which enables students to enjoy the benefits of Grammarly Premium without any additional cost.

To check if your university offers Grammarly Premium, start by visiting the official website of your university or checking with your school’s writing center or library. They may have information about the availability of Grammarly Premium subscriptions for students. Alternatively, you can reach out to your professors or academic advisors to inquire about this resource.

If your university provides access to Grammarly Premium, there are usually specific instructions on how to activate your free subscription. This typically involves creating an account using your university email address and verifying your status as a student. Once you have completed these steps, you will have full access to the advanced features of Grammarly Premium.

By accessing Grammarly Premium through your university, you can utilize its powerful grammar and writing assistance tools to improve the quality of your assignments, essays, and research papers. The comprehensive grammar checks, style suggestions, and plagiarism detection features will help you refine your writing and enhance your academic performance.

It’s important to note that not all universities offer Grammarly Premium for free, so make sure to inquire specifically about this service at your institution. If your university does not provide access to Grammarly Premium, don’t worry. There are other methods you can explore to obtain Grammarly Premium for free as a student, as we will discuss in the following sections.

Remember, accessing Grammarly Premium through your university is a fantastic opportunity to take advantage of this powerful writing tool without any additional cost. Make sure to seize this opportunity and use Grammarly Premium to elevate your writing skills and excel in your academic endeavors.

Grammarly Premium through Scholarships or Grants

If you’re looking to get Grammarly Premium for free as a student, exploring scholarships or grants that include access to Grammarly Premium as part of their benefits can be a fruitful option. Some scholarships and grants recognize the importance of strong writing skills and provide additional resources to support students in their academic journey.

Start by conducting thorough research on scholarships or grants that specifically mention access to Grammarly Premium as one of their perks. Many organizations or institutions value the role of effective writing in academic success and may offer this resource to their recipients.

Look for scholarships or grants that align with your field of study, interests, or demographics. Popular scholarship search engines and databases can help you find relevant opportunities, or you can check with your university’s financial aid office for recommendations.

When reviewing scholarship or grant applications, pay close attention to the details and criteria outlined. Look for language that mentions access to Grammarly Premium or writing-related resources. Be prepared to write compelling essays or personal statements that highlight your commitment to improving your writing skills and utilizing tools like Grammarly Premium to enhance your academic work.

It’s worth noting that scholarships and grants have specific application deadlines, eligibility requirements, and competition levels. Be sure to plan ahead and start your application process early to maximize your chances of securing this valuable resource.

In addition to external scholarships, check with your own university or college for any internal scholarships or grants that may offer access to Grammarly Premium. Universities often have their own funding programs or initiatives that students can apply for to support their academic development, including writing tools such as Grammarly Premium.

By securing a scholarship or grant that includes access to Grammarly Premium, you not only receive financial aid but also gain access to a powerful writing assistant that can significantly improve the quality of your academic work.

Remember, the key to success in obtaining Grammarly Premium through scholarships or grants is to research thoroughly, apply strategically, and showcase your dedication to enhancing your writing skills. Take advantage of these opportunities and leverage Grammarly Premium to excel in your studies.

Grammarly Premium with Referral Program

If you’re looking for a way to access Grammarly Premium for free as a student, the referral program offered by Grammarly can be a fantastic option. By referring Grammarly to your friends, classmates, or colleagues, you can earn referral credits that can be redeemed for free access to Grammarly Premium.

The process is simple. Start by signing up for a free Grammarly account if you haven’t already. Once you have an account, you can access your unique referral link, which you can share with others.

Share your referral link with your peers, classmates, and anyone who may benefit from using Grammarly. Encourage them to sign up for a Grammarly account using your referral link. Each person who signs up using your link will earn you referral credits.

As you accumulate referral credits, you can redeem them for free access to Grammarly Premium. The more people you refer, the more credits you can earn, allowing you to extend your Grammarly Premium subscription without any cost.

Utilize various channels to spread the word about Grammarly and your referral link. Share it through social media platforms, email, or even in-person conversations. Engage with your network and articulate the benefits of Grammarly Premium, emphasizing its ability to improve writing skills and academic performance.

It’s important to note that the specific details and rewards of the referral program may vary, so make sure to review the terms and conditions provided by Grammarly. These details will typically outline the rewards structure and any limitations or expiration dates associated with the referral credits.

By participating in the Grammarly referral program, not only do you gain access to Grammarly Premium for free, but you also help your peers and friends improve their writing skills. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved!

Remember, the key to success with the referral program is to actively promote Grammarly and engage with your network. Be genuine in your recommendations, highlighting the value that Grammarly Premium brings to student writers. Spread the word and earn free access to Grammarly Premium through your referrals.

Grammarly Premium via Free Trial Period

If you’re a student looking to get Grammarly Premium for free, taking advantage of the free trial period is a great way to access its advanced features without any cost. Grammarly offers a limited-time free trial that allows new users to experience the benefits of Grammarly Premium.

To start your free trial, visit the Grammarly website and sign up for a new account. During the registration process, you will have the option to choose the free version or upgrade to the premium trial. Select the premium trial to unlock the full range of Grammarly Premium features.

Once you’re registered, you’ll have access to the advanced grammar, spelling, and style checks, as well as the plagiarism detection capabilities offered by Grammarly Premium. This trial period gives you an opportunity to experience the power of Grammarly and determine if it’s the right fit for your writing needs.

It’s important to note that the duration of the free trial period may vary. Some trials may last a week, while others may extend up to thirty days. Make sure to utilize the trial period effectively by writing and editing your work, taking advantage of Grammarly’s suggestions and improvements.

During the trial period, experiment with different writing genres and document types, such as academic essays, creative writing pieces, or professional emails, to fully explore the breadth of Grammarly Premium’s capabilities.

If you decide that Grammarly Premium is the right fit for you and wish to continue using it after the free trial, you can choose to subscribe to a paid plan. Keep in mind that the subscription fee will apply once the trial period ends, so make sure to evaluate your needs and budget accordingly.

However, if you decide that Grammarly Premium is not the right fit for you, you can simply let the trial expire, and you will revert to using Grammarly’s free version. Although the premium features will no longer be accessible, the free version of Grammarly still offers valuable grammar, spelling, and basic writing checks.

By taking advantage of Grammarly Premium’s free trial period, you can experience the benefits of its advanced writing assistance without any financial commitment. Make the most of this opportunity to improve your writing and decide if Grammarly Premium is the right investment for your academic and professional pursuits.


In conclusion, Grammarly Premium is an incredibly valuable tool for students seeking to improve their writing skills. Its advanced grammar, spelling, and style checks, along with plagiarism detection, offer comprehensive writing assistance that can significantly enhance the quality of your academic work.

We explored various methods through which you can obtain Grammarly Premium for free as a student. These methods include accessing Grammarly Premium through your university, securing scholarships or grants that provide access to Grammarly Premium, participating in the referral program, and utilizing the free trial period.

By checking with your university, you may discover that they have partnered with Grammarly to provide free access to Grammarly Premium. This is a convenient and cost-effective way to utilize its advanced features as a student.

Additionally, scholarships or grants that offer access to Grammarly Premium can provide financial assistance while supporting your writing development. Seek out these opportunities to enhance your writing skills and academic achievements.

The referral program offered by Grammarly gives you the chance to earn free access to Grammarly Premium by referring friends and colleagues. Spread the word about Grammarly and share your referral link to accumulate referral credits.

Lastly, taking advantage of the free trial period allows you to experience Grammarly Premium’s features and evaluate its usefulness for your writing needs. Discover its capabilities and decide if subscribing to Grammarly Premium is the right choice for you.

Remember, investing in your writing skills can have a profound impact on your academic and professional success. Whether you access Grammarly Premium through university partnerships, scholarships, the referral program, or the free trial period, use this invaluable resource to enhance your writing abilities and achieve your goals.

So, don’t wait any longer. Take advantage of the available methods to obtain Grammarly Premium for free as a student and embark on a journey of improved writing and academic excellence.

How To Get Grammarly Premium Free As A Student | (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.