The Best First Day of Grade 5 Plans - Chocolate Covered Classroom Creations (2024)

Planning the first day of grade 5 can be a daunting task!

Are you a brand new teacher, nervous about starting the school year on the right foot? Maybe you were trained in secondary or primary but you’ve been moved to grade 5? Or maybe you’re a super experienced teacher looking to spice up the first day of grade 5 for your students? Whatever your situation, I hope that this blog post helps you to create a magical first day for your kiddos.

The following is a schedule that works for ME on the first day of grade 5. Remember… we are different teachers who like different things! Change things up to work for you and your students. I have included estimated time frames to make it easier for new teachers to understand how the day may play out but remember… do what works for you!

Note: While this is the general plan that I follow, I ALWAYS have extra games and activities prepared and ready to go for the first day of grade 5! You never know, maybe your class will do something super fast and you will end up with 10 minutes to fill in here or there. Here are some extra activities that you can use to fill in any gaps.

I also have a blog post for community building activities! Click HERE to check out out and be sure to prep at least one of them just in case!

1) Welcome! – 30 Minutes

I choose to assign students seats on the first day of school. I do this because it can be very anxiety-inducing for a new student to have to find someone to sit next to. I always lay out these name tags because they function as bookmarks and book club conversation starters throughout the year.

The Best First Day of Grade 5 Plans - Chocolate Covered Classroom Creations (1)

Next to the student name tags are small containers of play dough. I buy these for cheap at Costco every year. Then we use them for STEM projects all year long!

As students come into the room, I stand at the door and welcome them. Meanwhile, I have a slide on the SMART board that asks students to keep their backpacks with them. After all, I don’t want kiddos to start putting things away yet! Can you spell chaos?

Also, there is a little note on the SMART board asking them to build something that represents who they are with their play dough. I always give some examples such as “The number 5 because it’s the first day of grade 5” or “The letter A because your name starts with the letter A” or “A Basketball because that’s your favourite sport.” Notice how the examples that I give are SUPER simple. The goal is to ensure that EVERYONE experiences success. Don’t worry, your super creative kids will still think outside of the box.

The Best First Day of Grade 5 Plans - Chocolate Covered Classroom Creations (2)

After everyone is settled and all of the parents have dispersed, I like to provide students with an opportunity to share what they have created with the person next to them. Depending on the group, I will sometimes ask for a few volunteers to share with the whole class. But I NEVER force everyone to share in a whole group situation on the first day of school. You need to build trust before that can happen effectively.

2) Put Our Stuff Away – 10 Minutes

I absolutely HATE putting away school supplies, so I generally wait until later in the day to tackle that beast. After all, one sure fire way to wreck the first day of grade 5 is for me to get overwhelmed or grumpy! Which is why now I just want to have students hang up their bags on their hooks so that they are out of the way.

In my classroom, each student has a number. This number is also next to their hook. So I ask students to put their belongings on their hooks as I read out their names and numbers.

3) Play a Game – 30 Minutes

There are a TON of fun games that work well here and I tend to switch things up year after year. Some favourites include:

The Best First Day of Grade 5 Plans - Chocolate Covered Classroom Creations (3)

4) Bathroom and Recess Procedures – 15 minutes

If your school has a morning recess, you want to ensure that you talk about your bathroom and recess expectations BEFORE hand.

Some things to consider about bathroom procedures:

  • Can students use the washroom anytime they want?
  • How will they communicate with you that they need to use the washroom?

In my classroom, students are allowed to use the washroom at any time EXCEPT for while I am teaching. I have them write their name on the whiteboard under “Bathroom”. Only one student is allowed to be out of the room at a time.

Here are some things to consider when planning your recess expectations.

  • Are students encouraged to take a snack outside or will there be snack time inside?
  • Do students line up and walk out together as a class? Or do they trickle out on their own as they are ready?
  • Is there a specific recess zone where they are supposed to play?
  • Is there any recess equipment that they can play with?
  • Whose responsibility is it to return the recess equipment?
  • Where does recess equipment belong?
  • When the bell rings, do they line up outside or come straight in?
  • How will they know what to do when they enter the classroom after recess? (TIP: I LOVE using these transition slides!)
The Best First Day of Grade 5 Plans - Chocolate Covered Classroom Creations (4)

5) Recess – 15 minutes

Drink your coffee! You will need it!

6) The Day You Begin Interactive Read Aloud AND Friendship Activity – 45 Minutes

I am super passionate about sharing meaningful picture books in the upper elementary classroom. We can share so many lessons with our students through literature. Which is why I include picture books in my lessons, even on the first day of grade 5!

One of my absolute favourite books for back to school is The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson.

Before this first read-aloud, I like to give each student a partner that they will turn and talk with for the entirety of the lesson. This will also be the person with whom they complete the friendship activity.

The Best First Day of Grade 5 Plans - Chocolate Covered Classroom Creations (5)

You can find this ENTIRE lesson by clicking HERE.

7) Lunch Expectations – 15 minutes

Here are some things to consider when deciding on your lunch expectations. It can be helpful to create an anchor chart with students about how lunchtime goes.

  • Where do students eat their lunch?
  • How should they treat the lunchroom supervisors?
  • What are students allowed to do during lunchtime? Move around? Technology? Etc.
  • What do students do when they are done eating?
  • What do students do to clean up?

8) Lunch – 1 hour

Hopefully, you get some peace and quiet! Or at least a yummy salad!

9) The School Supply Monster – 30 Minutes (in a dream world!)

Now is the time to have students put away their school supplies. I like to wait until the afternoon to do this because it can get a bit chaotic and I need students to know my expectations ahead of time.

Even in grade 5, you need to go ITEM by ITEM! Tell students EXACTLY where they should put each individual school supply.

If you wait for each and every student to be done with each item before moving on, this will take an eternity. So I like to go rather fast. As we go, I write on the whiteboard where each item belongs, in case someone gets behind. I also encourage students to help out their peers.

If I notice that a kiddo is struggling, I will position myself next to them and use their supplies as an example of what to do. That way I can help them without slowing down the entire process.

10) Handshake Activity – 10 Minutes

After school supplies, I like to reward students with a fun brain break! These handshakes are a blast! I don’t usually show the video to students. But rather I learn all of these handshakes and teach them to the kiddos.

11) All About Me Art AND First Day Photos – 45 Minutes

I LOVE to take first day of grade 5 photos of my fifth graders. I email these to parents after the first day and I ALWAYS get a ton of positive feedback. Plus, I like to print out these photos and hang them up in our classroom as another reminder that everyone belongs!

You can use ANY props or signs that you like! THESE are the ones that I use in my classroom. I also allow kids to use fun dollar store props such as glasses, hats, leis, jewellery, etc. It just makes the photos even more fun.

The Best First Day of Grade 5 Plans - Chocolate Covered Classroom Creations (6)

In order for the photos to go smoothly, you NEED to have the other students working relatively quietly on a simple task that requires NO assistance from you. I like to use THIS FREE Art project. It’s super easy and the kiddos love it. But you can use anything that you like!

12) Recess – 15 Minutes

13) Saving Fred – 45 Minutes

Saving Fred is one of my all-time favourite STEM challenges!

Be sure to think carefully about your teams for this activity! I HIGHLY suggest making the groupings yourself so that no one gets left out.

There are LOTS of FREEBIES on TPT that walk you through this fun activity! Simply go to TPT and type “Saving Fred”, then select “FREE”. This is the one that I use.

15) Popcorn Game – 10 Minutes

Students start sitting with their chairs pulled away from their desks. At any point, any student can jump up, spread their arms wide and say, “Pop!” Then that student remains standing. But if more than one student “Pops” at the same time, everyone must sit down and the game starts again. If you have a larger class or are short on time, you can have just the students that popped at the same time sit down.

16) Pack Up and Line Up – 5 Minutes

As students leave the room for the day, I like to have them choose a way to say goodbye. They can choose a handshake, high five, hug, wave, joke, etc. I find that taking time at the end of each day to look every child in the eyes and connect with them helps me to develop meaningful connections with students! Plus this allows me to ensure that each and every child had an amazing first day of grade 5.

17) Email Photos and Call Parents

At the end of the first day of school, I like to email every parent a photo of their child.

I also like to make at least 3 parent phone calls. These calls are to let parents know how great their child did at school today. Here is my tip, choose to call the parents whose kiddos have STRUGGLED in previous years! Calling before any problems have occurred will help you to develop a great relationship with those families!

18) Where is the wine?

LOL JK but seriously… the first day of grade 5 is exhausting!

So there you have it, your first day of grade 5 all planned out and ready to go! If you use this plan or any of the activities, let me know! I would love to connect with you on Instagram!

The Best First Day of Grade 5 Plans - Chocolate Covered Classroom Creations (2024)


How would you get your classroom ready for the first day? ›

Make the Most of the First Day of Class
  1. Orchestrate positive first impressions.
  2. Introduce yourself effectively.
  3. Clarify learning objectives and expectations.
  4. Help students learn about each other.
  5. Set the tone for the course.
  6. Collect baseline data on students' knowledge and motivation.

How do you make a good first day of school? ›

7 Tips to Prepare for the First Day of School
  1. Visit the school with your child. ...
  2. Meet the teacher. ...
  3. Arrange play sessions. ...
  4. Complete your school supplies checklist. ...
  5. Practice putting things in their bag. ...
  6. Play board games and practice taking turns. ...
  7. Set a daily routine.

What activities do 5th graders like? ›

15 Best Activities for 5th Graders: Engaging & Educational
  • Online Learning Games.
  • Educational Worksheets.
  • Book Club.
  • Creative Writing Prompts.
  • Interactive Spelling Bees.
  • Cultural Exchange Day.
  • Science Experiments at Home.
  • Nature Scavenger Hunt.
Jan 17, 2024

Is 5th-grade easy? ›

Fifth grade curriculum can be pretty difficult. The math skills move from concrete skills easy to understand, draw, and manipulate to abstract skills that require reasoning and logic. The reading levels increase and the rigor of the reading tasks can seem very daunting at the beginning of the year.

What do you teach in a 5 minute lesson? ›

5-Minute Mini Lessons Are Perfect For Filling Those Little Extra Bits Of Time
  • Comprehension, Spelling, and More.
  • Math and Time.
  • Math, Spelling, and More.
  • Rhyming, Math, and More.
  • Computation Skills and More.
  • Adjectives and More.
  • Observation and Vocabulary Skills.
  • Spelling, Puzzles, and More.

Why are the first 5 minutes of class important? ›

“The opening five minutes offer us a rich opportunity to capture the attention of students and prepare them for learning They walk into our classes trailing all of the distractions of their complex lives — the many wonders of their smartphones, the arguments with roommates, the question of what to have for lunch.

How to start the first day of class? ›

Be Mindful of how the Classroom is Arranged
  1. Visit the classroom to orient yourself before the first day.
  2. Check that the set-up of the room is appropriate for the class activities.
  3. Check that the technology works properly.
  4. Rearrange furniture before students arrive.

What to ask students on the first day of class? ›

Interests and Hobbies
  • What are your favorite hobbies?
  • In your free time, what do you like to do?
  • Have you volunteered in your community?
  • What was the hardest part of the past week for you?
  • What is your favorite book?
  • What is your favorite TV show?
  • What is your favorite movie?
  • What is your favorite color?

What to do the first day as a teacher? ›

‍Start with a warm and welcoming greeting. Use icebreakers to initiate conversations and encourage students to interact with each other. You can start off with simple questions like, "What's your favorite book?" or "Share an interesting fact about yourself," which can help you get to know your students better.

How to rock your first day of school? ›

Take a bath and brush your teeth nicely. Dress up neatly and smartly and wear polished shoes. Speak with your parents to calm yourself down if you feel anxious about the first day. You need not worry as it is going to be amazing for you.

How can I make my school day a good day? ›

How to Be Happy on School Days
  1. Listen to upbeat music.
  2. Focus on the good things about school.
  3. Go outside for a few minutes.
  4. Get some exercise.
  5. Do something nice for someone.
  6. Smile more often.
  7. Use feedback to improve your grades.
  8. Talk to a friend if something's bothering you.

How can I look smart on the first day of school? ›

How to Look Good for School
  1. Prepping the Night Before.
  2. Managing Your Morning Time.
  3. Adding the Finishing Touches.
  4. Looking Stylish.
  5. Maintaining Your Wardrobe.
  6. Having Great Hair and Body.
  7. Maintaining Personal Hygiene.

What students need in a classroom? ›

There should be in the classroom, a look of a place that respects knowledge. This is a classroom's most basic “need”. Design it so that this is apparent. It could be just a few books in a treasured spot but make sure your classroom has an appearance of a place that worships “thought”.

What makes a good 5th-grade teacher? ›

The exact skills that a fifth-grade teacher will need can include: Communication: The ability to communicate with both students and their parents. Classroom management: The ability to create and maintain a classroom environment that promotes free and ethical learning opportunities for all students.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.