What To Expect In Your First Year Of Nursing School | NurseJournal.org (2024)

It's perfectly normal to have the first day of nursing school jitters. Hey, it may even last a full year! Nursing school is a full-time commitment. You'll have to manage your nursing courses, attend lectures, participate in small group projects, attend clinicals, and pass exams.

There will come a time when you'll decline a few social outings, pull all-nighters, or feel stressed out. At the end of the day, you've made the right decision to become a nurse. You will join a community voted most trusted profession, year after year.

This guide will prepare you for your first year of nursing school. It discusses what to expect in the first semester, what you will learn, and what you will need. It also discusses how classes are structured, the level of difficulty, and when your clinical rotations will begin.

Your First Semester of Nursing School

There's nothing quite like your first semester of nursing school. It's like learning a new language combined with art and science. You'll learn new medical terms and phrases. You'll learn the art of caring for patients while studying the human body, science, and pharmacology (the use and effects of drugs on the body).

Depending on the school you attend, most likely a general orientation will be held for first-year and second-degree nursing students. Orientation will include a detailed introduction to what to expect in nursing school.

In your first semester, you'll have a more focused orientation. You will meet your professors and other nursing students. Professors will:

  • Review the curriculum
  • Review the syllabus
  • Discuss expectations
  • Discuss required uniform for clinicals and simulation labs
  • Review needed supplies and required textbooks

Buddying up with one or a group of first-year nursing students is a great idea! Sometimes it happens unexpectedly. Your first buddy may even be sitting next to you on your first day of orientation!

Having a study buddy can make the semester and first year of nursing school less daunting. A buddy provides:

  • A safety net where students can bounce off ideas, or even let off steam
  • A support system
  • Accountability
  • Lasting friendships

Other major takeaways you may experience during the first semester of nursing school:

  • Changing the way you study: It may come easy for some, but nursing school is filled with memorization and learning new medical terms and phrases. Adding index cards or a few extra hours of studying can make for a successful semester.
  • Thinking outside the box: Everyone has different styles of learning. Lectures typically provide Powerpoint slides with a lot of information. You may need to add supplemental study tools like videos or spending more time in the simulation lab. This will help absorb and better understand the information.
  • Mental and physical challenges: Let's be honest: Nursing school is no walk in the park. Many students find it very stressful. It can weigh on your mental and physical health. It's important to recognize this early. Seek out professors, nursing faculty, or your school's mental health department for help.

What to Buy Before Starting Nursing School

Keep it simple when buying supplies for your first year. You're a student so money may not be readily available. Here are 10 must-have items to prepare for your first semester:

  • Stethoscope: You will need one for skills labs and clinicals. Don't leave home without it.
  • Scrubs and Shoes: Your school may provide you with the required scrubs and shoes. If not, you will have to purchase a pair. Purchase two scrub tops and bottoms and a pair of sneakers or shoes recommended by your professors.
  • Planner: Use Google calendar or buy a planner at your local convenience store. Write down when assignments and projects are due and the dates of scheduled exams.
  • Textbooks: Some students like to buy textbooks but that can get expensive. Look for alternative ways to purchase textbooks either through rental services or audiobooks.
  • Index Cards: You can never have enough! Use these as an extra study aid.
  • School Bag: Purchase a sturdy school bag that will last the entire school year.
  • Pens, Pencils, Highlighters, and Notebooks: These can keep you prepared and organized.
  • Supplemental Studying Materials: Some nursing students go overboard with purchasing nursing study guides. If you have to purchase them, stick with ones recommended by other nursing students or your professor. Remember, a lot of this information is free on the internet.
  • Compression Stockings: You will be standing and sitting a lot throughout nursing school. Investing in a pair of compression stockings can improve blood flow and swelling in your legs.
  • Masks and Hand Sanitizer: Although your school and clinical locations may provide masks and hand sanitizer, it's still good practice to carry your own.

Visit our new nursing student toolkit for a more comprehensive list of supplies to prepare for your first year of nursing school.

Popular Nursing Programs

Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial aid, and more by contacting the universities below.

What Do You Learn in the First Year of Nursing School?

Your first-year curriculum will vary based on your institution or whether you're entering as a two-year or four-year nursing student. Some students enter the program with or without prerequisites. In general, here is an example of first-year nursing core classes:

First semester:

  • Fundamentals of nursing
  • Anatomy and physiology I
  • Health assessment

Second semester:

  • Pathophysiology and pharmacology
  • Psychology
  • Anatomy and physiology II

The first year of nursing school is science heavy. It is structured this way so students can gain baseline knowledge of caring for patients. The great news is that a simulation lab accompanies these classes. Simulation labs provide time to practice your newfound nursing skills before caring for a real patient.

How Are Classes Structured?

Depending on the school, you may attend large lecture classes with 60 plus students. Some classes may be much smaller in size. Virtual lectures are also a possibility.

Lectures are typically taught by a professor. There will come a time toward midsemester when students have group projects. You will either present alone or with a group in front of the class.

Skills or simulation labs are usually smaller. This is intentional. Here, students practice on mannequins the skills they need to care for real patients. Simulation labs are meant to encourage you to:

  • Ask questions
  • Have hands-on experience
  • Apply what you're learning in lecture

Along with a stethoscope and a notepad, you should bring a positive attitude and a general curiosity to the simulation lab. It's the best place to catch mistakes. Mistakes will happen, and that's okay. Lastly, remember you will not know everything. Even seasoned nurses learn something new every day.

When Do You Start Clinicals in Nursing School?

Generally, you will start your clinical rotations in the second semester of nursing school. This depends on your institution. Clinicals will be the first time you care for patients as a nursing student.

How and where you are placed for clinicals depends on a few factors. Some schools give students a choice on which hospital they want to attend. This is based on their preferred location. Some schools place students where there is availability.

Clinical rotations can be once a week, half or full days. This also depends on the school. Overall, the required clinical hours are 300-700 hours for a bachelor of science in nursing.

How Hard Is the First Year of Nursing School?

The first year of nursing school can be easy for some students and harder for others. There are many factors that play a role in the amount of difficulty. It depends on:

  • The experience of the professor
  • The mixture of lecture/in-person learning
  • The experience of the student
  • The amount of time and studying a student puts in

Nursing programs might be more difficult than other programs because classes are science heavy. Harder courses like anatomy and physiology and pharmacology require ample study time. Nursing programs also require a basic understanding of math like calculating intravenous drugs and medications.

The first year of nursing school is like a roller coaster ride. You have some highs and some lows. It requires good time management and a realistic work-life balance. It's important to also remember the first year may be difficult, but with support from your study buddy, and putting in some extra study time, you will get through the first year.

Tips for Your First Year of Nursing School

Here are five tips guaranteed to help you survive your first year:

  • Get Some Sleep

Sleep is absolutely essential. Experts say you need about 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Invest in a great pillow and eye covers.

It is recommended to exercise at least 150 minutes a week. Yoga, swimming, running, walking, dancing, or jogging are all great ways to exercise.

  • Eat Healthy

Balanced meals full of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and plant-based foods give you that energy boost for long lectures.

  • Time Management

Managing your time must be intentional. Analyze your day and find out when you're most productive. Use time management apps to help organize your day.

  • Self-care

Self-care is absolutely essential as well. Make sure to take time for yourself. Meditation, taking a leisurely walk, bubble baths, lighting your favorite candle, or reading a good book are all examples of self-care.

Related Resources

  • The Value of Critical Thinking in Nursing + Examples
  • The Best Resume Guide for Nurses 2021
  • Guide to Financial Aid and Scholarships for Nurses

Featured Image: Courtney Hale / E+ / Getty Images

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have personal experiences or emotions, but I can provide you with information on the concepts mentioned in this article. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts discussed:

Nursing School Experience:

  • Nursing school is a full-time commitment that requires managing nursing courses, attending lectures, participating in small group projects, attending clinicals, and passing exams.
  • It is common to feel stressed, decline social outings, and pull all-nighters during nursing school.
  • Nursing is considered one of the most trusted professions [[1]].

First Semester of Nursing School:

  • The first semester of nursing school is described as a combination of learning a new language, art, and science.
  • Students learn new medical terms and phrases, as well as the art of caring for patients while studying the human body, science, and pharmacology.
  • General orientation and detailed introductions to nursing school expectations are typically provided in the first semester.
  • Professors review the curriculum, syllabus, expectations, required uniforms for clinicals and simulation labs, and needed supplies and textbooks.
  • Having a study buddy is recommended for support, accountability, and lasting friendships.
  • Students may need to change their study methods, think outside the box, and face mental and physical challenges during the first semester.

Supplies for Nursing School:

  • Essential supplies for the first year of nursing school include a stethoscope, scrubs and shoes, a planner, textbooks, index cards, a school bag, pens, pencils, highlighters, notebooks, supplemental studying materials, compression stockings, masks, and hand sanitizer.

First-Year Curriculum:

  • The first-year curriculum in nursing school varies based on the institution and whether students have prerequisites.
  • An example of first-year nursing core classes includes fundamentals of nursing, anatomy and physiology, health assessment, pathophysiology and pharmacology, psychology, and anatomy and physiology II.
  • Simulation labs accompany these classes to provide hands-on practice before caring for real patients.

Class Structure:

  • Nursing school classes can be large lecture classes with 60 plus students or smaller in size.
  • Virtual lectures are also possible.
  • Skills or simulation labs are usually smaller and provide opportunities for hands-on experience and application of knowledge learned in lectures.

Clinical Rotations:

  • Clinical rotations typically start in the second semester of nursing school.
  • Placement for clinicals depends on factors such as student preference and availability.
  • Clinical hours required for a bachelor of science in nursing range from 300 to 700 hours.

Difficulty of the First Year:

  • The difficulty of the first year of nursing school varies among students and depends on factors such as the experience of the professor, the mixture of lecture and in-person learning, the experience of the student, and the amount of time and studying put in.
  • Nursing programs can be more challenging due to the heavy focus on science courses and the need for a basic understanding of math.
  • Good time management and a realistic work-life balance are important for success in the first year.

Tips for Surviving the First Year:

  • Get enough sleep (7-8 hours per night).
  • Exercise regularly (at least 150 minutes per week).
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Practice effective time management.
  • Prioritize self-care.

I hope this breakdown of the concepts mentioned in the article is helpful to you. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

What To Expect In Your First Year Of Nursing School | NurseJournal.org (2024)


What To Expect In Your First Year Of Nursing School | NurseJournal.org? ›

You'll have to manage your nursing courses, attend lectures, participate in small group projects, attend clinicals, and pass exams. There will come a time when you'll decline a few social outings, pull all-nighters, or feel stressed out. At the end of the day, you've made the right decision to become a nurse.

What is the first year of nursing like? ›

You will be challenged academically, physically, and emotionally as you begin working with real patients. Developing this new skillset may feel unfamiliar and overwhelming at first, which is why many nursing students report the first year as being the hardest.

What is the first thing you learn in nursing school? ›

1 | Nursing Fundamentals

This is one of the first classes you can expect to take in a nursing program, often required during your first semester. Nursing fundamentals courses give you an overview of what it means to be a nurse, how healthcare works, and potential careers and roles for nurses.

What is the hardest subject in nursing 1st year? ›

The Most Challenging Nursing Courses & How to Pass Them
  • Pharmacology. It shouldn't come as a surprise that many nursing students rank pharmacology as the most challenging course in their program. ...
  • Microbiology. ...
  • Medical Surgical Nursing. ...
  • Anatomy and Physiology.
Jan 9, 2023

What to expect for your first clinicals? ›

However, you will get hands-on experience during your clinicals and you will learn from both observation and direct practice. You will learn how to gather information on a patient, take vital signs, and provide miscellaneous care tasks, including giving medication and helping with general hygiene and comfort tasks.

Why is the first semester of nursing so hard? ›

Many nursing students find that the hardest semester of nursing school is the first because adjusting to the demanding schedule feels like a culture shock.

How do I get through my first year of nursing? ›

Nurses Offer 7 Essential Tips to New Nurses
  1. Never Be Afraid to Ask Questions. ...
  2. Make Patients the Top Priority. ...
  3. Lean on Experienced Nurses. ...
  4. Make Genuine Friendships. ...
  5. Always Be Willing to Keep Learning. ...
  6. Know That Your Career Path Isn't Linear. ...
  7. Trust That Confidence Will Come With Time.
Oct 24, 2022

What was the hardest class in nursing school? ›

Pharmacology. Pharmacology, or the study of medication, can seem scary because of the sheer scope of the course. “It becomes one of the hardest classes for nursing students due to the depth and amount of knowledge needed,” says Megan Lynch, RN and instructor at Pima Community College.

How to prepare for the first semester of nursing school? ›

Nursing school success tips: your first semester

Take a look at your schedule, and mark out time that you'll be able to spend studying. You'll have to work hard in order to earn your degree, so having enough time to study will be a vital step when preparing for your first semester.

Is the first year of nursing school hard? ›

One of the reasons why nursing school is hard is that nursing students need to manage multiple academic responsibilities at the same time. As a nursing student, you'll not only need to do well on exams, but you'll also need to develop hands-on skills, communication skills, and bedside nursing skills.

What is the hardest test in nursing school? ›

The National Council Licensure Examination, or NCLEX, is a critical exam that every nursing student must take to become a licensed nurse. Passing the NCLEX is essential to begin your nursing career, but it is also one of the most challenging exams you will ever take.

What is the easiest class in nursing school? ›

The Easiest Classes in Nursing School
  • Social Sciences (Intro Psychology, Sociology, etc.)
  • Humanities.
  • Intro to Speech (or Communication)
  • English Composition.
  • History.
  • Using Information Technology.

Is nursing school notoriously difficult? ›

The coursework and clinical skills are challenging, but one of the biggest hurdles nursing students face is adjusting to the culture. Nursing school has science and math courses, clinical skills, and critical thinking development.

What to expect on the first day of nursing clinicals? ›

You might start by caring for one patient, working with a student buddy, or being assigned to a nurse. Your clinical instructor will check in with you throughout the shift to answer questions and may offer opportunities for you to assist with or view a procedure.

Is it hard to pass clinicals? ›

Clinicals are a subjective experience, and it's not very common to fail clinicals because there is a lot of support and interaction with the instructors. If you put in the effort — you're on time, you complete your care plans, you ask questions, and you're engaged — you will not fail clinicals.

What do you wear to clinicals? ›

Avoid clothing with rips, tears, or frayed edges. Clothing should allow for an appropriate range of movement. Button-down shirts (with or without ties), professional tops, or blouses should be worn and should avoid low-cut necklines or exposed midriffs.

Is the first year of being a nurse hard? ›

If you become a nurse, your first year on the job is often the hardest. Being in a new environment, suddenly having to use new skills, and the new responsibility of being a nurse hit you all at once. It can be overwhelming.

Which year of nursing school is hardest? ›

It is said that up to 90% of what you do on the job after graduation was not learned while in nursing school. I'm not convinced the learning curve is that high, but there is a lot of on-the-job training required. Nursing is a complex profession.

What is the average age of first year nursing students? ›

The average age of a new nurse ranges from mid twenties to late thirties and forties, depending on when the student started school. The youngest age someone could achieve RN status is 20,assuming the student graduated high school at 18 and immediately entered a2-year ADN program.

What do new nurses struggle with the most? ›

New nurses struggle with skills such as critical thinking and decision-making. Because of inexperience, you believe you need to be more competent. Multiple factors can contribute to nurses questioning their abilities to care for their patients.

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