How To Calculate Recipe Cost - Step by Step Tutorial - Budget Bytes (2024)

The recipe cost breakdowns are a big part of Budget Bytes. And while you’re not likely to have the exact same food costs as me (prices vary quite a bit from location to location, day to day, and even store to store), I think it’s helpful to see how each ingredient can impact the overall cost of a recipe. So now I’d like to dive a little deeper to show you how I make these calculations, and teach you how to calculate recipe costs yourself. Because even if you do it once, I promise you’ll learn a lot!

How To Calculate Recipe Cost - Step by Step Tutorial - Budget Bytes (1)

Why Calculate Recipe Costs?

My big “Ah-ha!” moment came when I calculated the cost of my first few recipes. I was always very mindful of the total amount I spent at the grocery store every week, but seeing the breakdown of each ingredient and the total recipe cost that truly revolutionized my way of cooking.

Seeing this breakdown helped me learn how to tweak recipes to make them more filling for less money, while maintaining maximum flavor. I learned that scaling back just a little on the most expensive ingredients (nuts, cheese, meat, etc.) dramatically reduced recipe costs, but didn’t have a huge impact on flavor. Likewise, I learned which inexpensive ingredients helped give my food a big flavor kick for pennies (green onions, cilantro, freshly cracked pepper, dried herbs, etc.), and which ingredients I could use to bulk up a recipe without greatly increasing the total cost (rice, pasta, beans, lentils, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, etc.).

What Method Do You Use?

Here on Budget Bytes I use the same method of calculating recipe costs used by commercial food service operations—adding the costs of each ingredient used, in the amount used, rather than adding the full price of items purchased. Some argue that you can’t just buy 2 Tbsp of olive oil, so the recipe actually costs more to make. The counter argument to that is that you don’t buy an entire bottle of olive oil every time you make a recipe, nor do I consider an ingredient “free” if I already have it in my kitchen and didn’t need to buy it for that recipe. Both methods have their caveats, but I find the method used here to be the most representative of the recipe’s true cost.

What Do I Need to Calculate the Cost of a Recipe?

The process is simple and doesn’t require a lot of time or “equipment.” It’s so simple, in fact, that I do this, by hand, forevery single recipe on this website (well over 1000 recipe at this point). To calculate recipe costs you’ll need:

  • Your receipts
  • Original ingredient packages
  • Pen and paper
  • Calculator
  • Grocery store website (as a backup for sourcing prices)

How To Calculate Recipe Costs – Step by Step Tutorial

Okay, so let’s walk through, step by step, what I do to calculate the cost of a recipe on Budget Bytes. For this tutorial, we’ll be using the Creamy Tomato and Spinach Pasta recipe as an example.

Step 1: Write down the recipe ingredients and quantities

How To Calculate Recipe Cost - Step by Step Tutorial - Budget Bytes (2)

If you like to print your recipes, you can do the calculations right on the printed version of the recipe. I always do my calculations in my recipe development notebook. You’ll fill out the prices in the right hand column as you do the calculations.

Step 2: Fill in prices for ingredients that were used “whole”.

How To Calculate Recipe Cost - Step by Step Tutorial - Budget Bytes (3)

Gather your receipts and record the prices for any ingredient that you used in the “whole” form. This could be ingredients like a can of tomatoes, a cucumber, maybe a jar of pasta sauce, a single bell pepper, etc. In this Creamy Tomato and Spinach Pasta there was only one ingredient that I used in the full volume purchased—diced tomatoes. You can see this item listed as “kro tomatoes $0.59” on the Kroger receipt. Record the price next to this item on your recipe ingredient list.

Note: If you don’t have your receipts, check your grocery store’s website. Some larger stores, like Kroger, allow you to look up items online and the price will be displayed.

Step 3: Calculate Bulk Produce Items

How To Calculate Recipe Cost - Step by Step Tutorial - Budget Bytes (4)

For bulk produce items, take the total price listed on the receipt and divide by the number of items purchase. The total price for this bag of yellow onions listed on the receipt was $1.69 and there are six onions in the bag, so each onion is approximately $0.28. Record this price on your recipe ingredient list.

This method works good for other bagged produce, like apples, carrots, oranges, lemons, potatoes, etc. and also things like packages of chicken thighs or breasts.

How To Calculate Recipe Cost - Step by Step Tutorial - Budget Bytes (5)

For garlic, each head is usually around $0.60-$0.65 and I get on average about 8 good sized cloves from each head, so I just estimate about $0.08 per clove.

Step 4: Use Package Labels to Calculate Partial Ingredient Costs

For most ingredients you’ll need to use the information listed on the ingredient packages to determine the cost of the amount used in the recipe. Here are some examples:

How To Calculate Recipe Cost - Step by Step Tutorial - Budget Bytes (6)

This recipe used 1/2 lb. of penne pasta. The whole box (1 lb.) cost $1.49. Since I used half the box, the cost of the amount used is $1.49 ÷ 2 = $0.75.

How To Calculate Recipe Cost - Step by Step Tutorial - Budget Bytes (7)

The same method was used for this bag of spinach. The full 8 oz. bag cost $1.29, so the cost of the 4 oz. used is $1.29 ÷ 2 = $0.65.
How To Calculate Recipe Cost - Step by Step Tutorial - Budget Bytes (8)

Sometimes the manufacturers are nice and provide helpful guides for measuring. This full 8 oz. package of cream cheese cost $0.79, so the cost of the 2 oz. used in the recipe is $0.79 ÷ 4 = $0.20.

How To Calculate Recipe Cost - Step by Step Tutorial - Budget Bytes (9)

Sometimes the calculations can get a little more involved. The cost of this 6 oz. can of tomato paste was $0.39. We can see on the nutrition label that there are 5 servings of 2 Tbsp in the can, or a total of 10 Tbsp per can. We used 2 Tbsp for the recipe, so the cost of what we used is $0.39 ÷ 5 = $0.08.

How To Calculate Recipe Cost - Step by Step Tutorial - Budget Bytes (10)

I bought this bottle of olive oil a while back, so I had to refer to to get the price. The total price for this bottle was $5.95. We can see on the nutrition label that there are 66 servings of 1 Tbsp in the whole bottle. We used 1 Tbsp for the recipe, so the cost of what we used is $5.95 ÷ 66 = $0.09.

How To Calculate Recipe Cost - Step by Step Tutorial - Budget Bytes (11)

This Parmesan cheese is about as complicated as the calculations usually get because we’re converting between unit types. We see on the label that there are 45 servings of 2 tsp in the whole bottle. We used 1/4 cup in the recipe. So first I calculated the cost per tsp: $2.29 (total bottle price) ÷ 45 ÷ 2 = $0.025 per tsp. I know there are 3 tsp per tablespoon, and 4 tablespoons per 1/4 cup, so I calculated a little further: $0.025 x 3 x 4 = $0.31 per ¼ cup.

Step 5: Estimate Costs for Herbs and Spices

How To Calculate Recipe Cost - Step by Step Tutorial - Budget Bytes (12)

Herbs and spices don’t have nutrition labels with serving sizes to work with, and often the entire container only weighs less than 2 oz. Unfortunately I don’t have a kitchen scale that is sensitive enough to weigh something as light as a 1/2 tsp of a dry herb. So, for my purposes I use a generic (and generous) allotment of $0.10 per tsp for most dried herbs and spices. For salt and pepper I estimate a little less and for any rare herbs or spices I double the generic estimation. So, for this recipe: 1/2 tsp dried basil = $0.05, 1/2 tsp dried oregano = $0.05, 1 pinch crushed red pepper = $0.02, 1/2 tsp salt = $0.02, freshly cracked pepper = $0.03

Step 4: Add it all together!

So finally, we have all of the prices of the ingredients filled in on the recipe ingredient list. Now just simply add them all together and then divide by the number of servings and you’ve got the price per serving. So for this recipe, the total cost was $3.28 and with four servings that’s $3.28 ÷ 4 = $0.82 per serving.

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As you can see, it’s not an exact science, but it will definitely shed some light on where your money is really going. I hope you try it out at least once just to see how it goes. If you want to do it on a regular basis, you can start a spreadsheet with price per unit information for your pantry staples. This way you’ll have a record of the price for items that you may only buy a few times per year (and probably won’t have the receipt handy). Luckily, my blog acts as a “record” of these prices, so I can quickly refer back to my last purchase price.

What About Electricity, Gas, and Water?

Every now and then I get a question about how utilities add to my recipe costs. Unfortunately I don’t have a way to measure the amount and cost of the most of the utilities used in the recipes, but I’m confident that it would be a very small amount. For instance, in this recipe I used 1/2 cup water in the sauce. After checking my last water bill, I paid $0.003 per gallon of water. I round to the nearest cent for these calculations, so the cost of the 1/2 cup water in this recipe is negligible. Water is easy to measure, but I don’t think I could measure the amount of gas or electricity used to heat the oven.

Handy Conversions for Calculating:

  • 3 tsp = 1 Tbsp
  • 4 Tbsp = 1/4 cup
  • 2 Tbsp = 1 fluid ounce
  • 16 Tbsp = 1 cup
  • 2 fluid ounces = 1/4 cup
  • 8 fluid ounces = 1 cup
  • 16 weight ounces = 1 pound

NOTE: “fluid ounces” are a volume unit, weight ounces are a measurement of mass. Solid ingredients are usually listed as weight ounces, liquid ingredients are usually listed in fluid ounces. 8 fluid ounces of one ingredient may not equal 8 weight ounces of that same ingredient. That will depend on the individual density of the ingredient. Cheese is a great example. 4 oz. (weight) of cheese is equal to about one cup (volume) of shredded cheese. One cup is 8 fluid ounces in volume, but only 4 weight ounces of shredded cheese.

Try It Yourself!

I hope I didn’t scare you off with all these calculations! It really is quite simple, especially after you do it a few times. If you’re interested in giving it a shot, start with a simple recipe that only has 3-5 ingredients and see how you do! Then, let me know how it worked out in the comments below. :)

P.S. Did you know you can browse our recipes by Cost per Recipe and Cost per Serving?

How To Calculate Recipe Cost - Step by Step Tutorial - Budget Bytes (2024)


How to figure out the cost of a recipe? ›

You take the cost of your ingredients and then you break it down into units, such as per ounce or per egg. You then multiply these per-unit prices by the number of units you use. You then add up all these individual prices to find the total food cost for your dish.

How to calculate food cost formula? ›

What is the formula for food cost percentage for restaurants? The formula for how to calculate restaurant food cost percentage is (Total cost of goods sold / Total food sales) x 100 = Total food cost percentage for a period of time.

How to calculate food cost for a recipe pdf? ›

Calculating Food Cost for a Recipe
  1. Step 1: List the Ingredients. ...
  2. Step 2: Determine Ingredient Quantities. ...
  3. Step 3: Research Ingredient Prices. ...
  4. Step 4: Calculate Total Ingredient Cost. ...
  5. Step 5: Factor in Waste and Spoilage. ...
  6. Step 6: Include Overhead Expenses. ...
  7. Step 7: Calculate Food Cost per Serving.

What is the formula for costing? ›

The general form of the cost function formula is C ( x ) = F + V ( x ) where F is the total fixed costs, V is the variable cost, x is the number of units, and C(x) is the total production cost.

What is a standardized recipe cost sheet? ›

Standardizing a recipe also involves computing your costs. For this, you'll need a standard recipe cost sheet to track individual ingredient prices and sum them up to determine your expenses per dish. Ultimately, these efforts will help you price your menu items effectively.

How to calculate how much to charge for food? ›

How to Price Restaurant Food from Food Cost. The first and most common way to price a food menu is to start with each item's ideal food cost and price to achieve it. Food cost is the percentage of an item's menu price spent to acquire and prepare that item. Most restaurants run a food cost of between 28–35%.

How to calculate total cost? ›

Fixed costs (FC) are costs that don't change from month to month and don't vary based on activities or the number of goods used. The formula to calculate total cost is the following: TC (total cost) = TFC (total fixed cost) + TVC (total variable cost).

What is the formula for cost per portion? ›

Cost per portion: the cost of each serving. it is the total recipe cost divided by the number of portions.

How can you develop a recipe cost card for a standardized recipe? ›

The steps for basic recipe costing are:
  1. Write down every ingredient in the recipe.
  2. Note the total cost of that ingredient in its wholesale weight or volume.
  3. List the amount of the ingredient used in your recipe. ...
  4. Use your price per wholesale item to calculate the price per unit of the ingredient used.

What is the formula for cost price? ›

There are many formulae for finding cost price, but it all depends on the type of question you get. For example, Cost price = Selling price − profit ( when selling price and profit is given ) Cost price = Selling price + loss ( when selling price and loss is given )

What is the formula for menu item food cost? ›

Food cost percentage = portion cost / selling price

For example: if a menu item is priced at $13 and the food cost was $4, your food cost percentage is 31%. We'll be using food cost percentage to calculate the price of each menu item, so keep this equation in mind as you read on.

What is costing a recipe? ›

Recipe costing is the process of taking apart a menu and calculating the individual cost of each ingredient used for a specific dish. The added cost of each ingredient used will equal your total cost for a dish.

How to make costing and pricing? ›

To calculate your product selling price by unit, follow these three steps:
  1. Calculate the total cost of all units purchased.
  2. Divide the total cost by the total number of units purchased - this will provide you with the cost price.
  3. Use the selling price formula to calculate the final selling price.

How do chefs calculate food cost? ›

To calculate actual food cost, start with your beginning inventory and purchases within a given period. Subtract your ending inventory and then divide that by your total sales and multiply by 100.

What are the steps in food costing? ›

Here's a step-by-step look at how to implement this cost percentage formula:
  • Calculate your Total Cost of Goods Sold (CoGS). ...
  • Calculate your Total Revenue for the time period you're interested in examining. ...
  • Divide Total CoGS by Total Revenue. ...
  • Multiply your answer by 100 to reveal your Total Food Cost Percentage.

What does the process of costing recipes involve? ›

Recipe costing (also called plate costing) is the process of figuring out the cost per serving of each item on your menu based on the cost of the individual ingredients. This involves listing all the ingredients required to make a dish and working out the amount that goes into each serving.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.